What love!

AT this writing I have nine grandchildren, and the mantle is beginning to sit comfortably on my shoulders. After my oldest granddaughter turned sixteen, I thought back to her first days of life, and how God began to instruct me through my interaction with the next generation.


 I arrived as they were going home from the hospital. It was love at first touch.

After spending the first weeks with my oldest daughter, her husband, and Corrina, my precious first grandchild, it was time for me to leave. Tears blinded me as I nuzzled her fuzzy head, one last time.

Grammi cuddling Corrina

I placed her in my daughter’s arms and promised, “I’ll be back soon!”

With a final wave and an attempt at a calm face, I headed for the plane, my precious ones disappearing from view. I could still feel her warmth and softness.

I would not forget the imprint my first grandchild had made on my heart.


At 30,000 feet, aching with loss, I opened my Bible and read Isaiah 49:15.

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!”

With a sigh I laid my head back.

In that moment I glimpsed God’s love for me. He loves me the way I love Corrina. He hovers over me as I sleep, waiting to shower me with love and care as soon as I open my eyes and seek Him, as I had done with her. He aches when I cry in pain, and comes to my aid when I’m scared and calling for help. He yearns for me and seeks me when I wander.

Isaiah assured me that God loves me even more than I do my grandchild. Moreover, Jesus is as anxious to come back for me one day as I am to return to Corrina.

Under my breath, I quoted Psalm 139:13-14: “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Just as Corrina did nothing to earn her place in my heart, the value of my life was created in the heart of God, not in my usefulness or worth in this world.

We are all that valuable, all that loved, all that yearned for.

What promises! What love! What a God!

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