My prayer for you

As I gave thanks on Thursday, and continued throughout the weekend, calling to mind people in my life I am grateful for, I couldn’t help thinking of you, dear reader.

Many are faithful friends and family. At times I hear from you and have a sense of what is going on inside your life. At times I have to read between the lines, or silences.

Others of you are strangers, connected through the wonder of words and Wi-Fi. If you’re a fellow writer or blogger, I read your words, searching your face and listening for the link between us.

My heart goes out to the young lady with the world on her shoulders, as well as the one who feels invisible. Having spent the early years of my life as a shadow, I know that land far too well. 

© Jack H Thompson
© Jack H Thompson

Yesterday, we celebrated with our five-year-old granddaughter, her home packed with family and school friends to wish her Happy Birthday. I watched her efforts to relate to many different personalities, the whirl of activity, so many people and interests calling for her engagement.

©Jack H Thompson
©Jack H Thompson

When I compose my blog, sometimes the ideas and words take shape before I even sit at the computer. Other days, trying to reach out to each of you, I am frustrated, knowing I can’t touch you all at one time. Like my granddaughter, my thoughts dash this way and that, seeking an encounter that holds meaning, something that will send you from this party the better for it.

As I often do when in need of inspiration or guidance, I opened the Bible, in this case, the YouVersion app on my phone. I scanned my bookmarks and found what I would say if we could sit together on the patio, or under a palm tree, in front of the fireplace, or walking on a snowy path.

©Jack H Thompson
©Jack H Thompson

My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth.

sunset on Marco Island

I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—

that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in.Amberley door

And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, 

©Jack H Thompson
©Jack H Thompson

you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love.

Reach out and experience the breadth!

Test its length! Plumb the depths!

Rise to the heights!

Lily coming out of the water retrieving

         Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.                                       Ephesians 3:14-19 The Message

2 thoughts on “My prayer for you

  1. Oh Janie, once again our lives are in the midst of change (aka limbo), yet once again you have brought me a sense of God’s peace. Thank you; every time you post I feel comfort in your words.


    1. I’m grateful my words have brought comfort, and pray that God will use this “limbo time” to teach you new steps in this crazy dance we call life. Every time my circumstances have gone Topsy-turvy I’ve found (usually in the rear view mirror) that God was up to something good. At any rate, you can trust that his plans for you are good.


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