Where are you heading?

Have you listed your goals for this year? Ways you want to improve? For many of us, this past year was tough. Challenges. Trials. Pain. Grief. And some of you are struggling right now. I always told my children when hard or frustrating things happened that trials build character. One of my daughters, who has had a particularly rough couple of years, asked, “Don’t I have enough character yet?” I know how she feels. For years, I struggled to try harder, live better, do more. My efforts mostly took me down a lot of dead ends. I’ve found the key to really living is not in how hard I work, but in who I am walking with. What I trust. How I am willing to open my heart.

Is 40 27-28 Santa Cruz by Jack H Thompson
Galapagos Islands

I can’t explain the hard stuff, but I think God wants far more for us than we seek. Our eyes looking way higher than our glances take us.

Is 40 25-26 Miami at night by Jack H Thompson
by Jack H Thompson

There is so much more life available with God than we ever reach out for. How do we go from trying hard to trusting much and receiving more?

My path changed when I began to listen to — really hear — the voice telling me I am loved.

Then I learned what we tirelessly teach our little ones – to say thank you.  Giving thanks for what I have, seeing the blessing, however tiny, puts a new lens on my day.

Maui beauty by Jack H Thompson
Maui beauty
Cloud forest fern, Ecuador,  Jack H Thompson
Cloud forest fern, Ecuador
bee in flower, Isabella, Galapagos
bee in flower, Isabella, Galapagos

And the gratitude heart leads me to trust. My hard edges melt when I find the thanksgiving places.

Is 40 29 w bird in flight by Jack H Thompson
Soaring by Jack H Thompson

Then I can relax into hands far stronger than mine, and more loving than any earthly hands could ever be.

Is40 30 Dolphins Jack H Thompson
Dolphin pair by Jack H Thompson

What are you aiming for this year?




5 thoughts on “Where are you heading?

  1. I love that view, Dani. I’m not good at the lists, anyway — they either frustrate, or lock out something which I realize later is more important. I’m going to spend some time to uncover my word for this year. Once again, friend, you are a blessing. Thank you.


    1. I going to send you something to help you keep your word (once it’s discovered) on your heart and mind, as much as possible, this year. Hopefully, it’s a tool for soul instead of an unneeded stressor. Let me know. With heart, Dani

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Personally, I don’t like setting goals, rather I like to focus on the emotions I’d like to cultivate within myself and others. This year my word and emotion is Fullness. For me, an emotion is much more inclusive than a list of things, which I may or (more often than not) may not accomplish.

    And I simply loved this, Jane:

    “My hard edges melt when I find the thanksgiving places.”

    You are a love.

    With heart & friendship,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes — God speaks loudly to me through his world. I’ve always loved beaches and mountains and starry skies, tiny flowers and birds as they fly . . . and look forward to the New Earth, for which all of the best of this world is just a tiny hint.


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